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The world is turning to the wind;

Europe, America and Australia are interested in wind energy. Because the wind is free. We only have to invest in poles and wind power generation systems. And of course the solar energy. Turkey is rich in terms of geothermal energy. There is hot water and rock energy all over the country.

Oil resources are rapidly consumed. Therefore, the oil price increases rapidly. As of now, coal power plants will be based on lignite coal, natural gas or hydraulic water energy more. The importance of renewable energy is increasing for these reasons. And therefore, the importance of wind energy is rapidly increasing.

The experts emphasize that the renewable resources such as hydroelectric, geothermal and wind will gain importance in electricity production and that natural gas will maintain its attractiveness.

The leading groups of Turkey are carrying out preparations to take first place in the sector and to take their shares in this area. While some groups are focusing on this sector, some others are looking for foreign partners and some of them continue with local partnerships.

Energy demand is increasing worldwide. In order to avoid experiencing an energy crisis in Turkey, 130 billion dollars of investment should be done in the industry by the year 2020. The big players, who are aware of this situation, make the energy a strategic sector by deciding to exit from some areas.